Davide Gerosa

July 16, 2024

Many visitors

We’re having a few visitors this summer, with lots of science going around. Welcome Jam Sadiq from SISSA (Italy), Rossella Gamba from Berkeley (USA), Abhishek Chowdhuri from IIT Gandhinagar (India), Luca Reali from JHU (USA), and Kostas Kritos also from … Continue reading

April 12, 2024

PhDs with us! 2024 admissions

The University of Milano-Bicocca welcomes applications for PhD scholarships. This year’s application deadline is May 14th, 2024 (noon CEST) for positions starting in the Fall of 2024: https://en.unimib.it/education/postgraduates/doctoral-research-phd-programmes/applying-doctorate/calls-application In particular, we are looking for highly motivated candidates to join our … Continue reading

March 6, 2024

Teaching for the new AI degree

On top of “astrostats” for the MSc degree in Astrophysics, this semester I’m excited to start teaching for the new BSc degree in Artificial Intelligence. This course is delivered jointly by the University of Milano-Bicocca (my place), the University of … Continue reading

December 31, 2023

2023 Wrapped!

Much like Spotify, here is our group “Wrapped”, 2023 edition! Some of the group highlights include…  We welcomed Pippa, Nick, Arianna, Sshorab, and Matteo. We said bye to Matt who moved to MIT and Nate who moved to Canada, while Daria … Continue reading

November 17, 2023

Top 2% scientists

Looks like my name is on a list of the 2% top scientists worldwide. Take these rankings with a grain (or a block) of salt… but this is kind of cool! The list was compiled by Stanford University and bounced … Continue reading

October 28, 2023

2 Masters + 2 Undegrads

We’ve had four amazing research students graduating with us in October! After the Master’s defenses, students turned the graduation party into a football supporter thing, with chants and all the rest!

October 14, 2023

Arianna on a national newspaper

Arianna Renzini (Marie Curie Fellow in my group) is on the Italian national newspaper “Corriere della Sera” today! Here is the online version: Arianna Renzini, la studiosa di Astrofisica corteggiata da tutto il mondo: «Basta cervelli in fuga, lavorerò a … Continue reading

July 19, 2023

New July physicists

Two students just completed their Bachelor’s degree with research projects in our group. I had the honor of heading their graduation committee and could call them “physicists” for the very first time (and the Italian ceremonial sentence is quite imposing: … Continue reading

July 17, 2023

gwpopnext was a blast!

Last week my group and I hosted the international workshop “Gravitational-wave populations: what’s next?.” It’s been a blast! An unconventional conference, with almost zero talks and the vast majority of the time dedicated to discussions. I report the program here … Continue reading

June 6, 2023

Let’s PRIN!

Happy to report we got a grant from the Italian PRIN program! This is in collaboration with Andrea Maselli from GSSI in L’Aquila. The title is “Gravitational-wave astronomy as a mature field: characterizing selection biases and environmental effects”. Stay tuned … Continue reading

June 3, 2023

IREU summer time

Welcome Harrison Blake! My group is hosting a student from the IREU program in Gravitational Physics, which is administered by the University of Florida. Harrison is visiting from Ohio State University and will be working with Michele Mancarella on forecasting … Continue reading

March 23, 2023

PhD positions in gravitational-wave astronomy at Milano-Bicocca

The University of Milano-Bicocca welcomes applications for PhD scholarships. The application deadline is April 19th, 2023 for positions starting in the Fall of 2023: https://en.unimib.it/education/postgraduates/doctoral-research-phd-programmes/applying-doctorate/calls-application In particular, the theoretical astrophysics group is looking for highly motivated candidates to join our … Continue reading

February 28, 2023

Astrostats is back

I’m about to start teaching this year’s edition of “Astrostatistics and Machine Learning” for the MSc degree in Astrophysics here at Milano-Bicocca. The material is available at github.com/dgerosa/astrostatistics_bicocca_2023 Feel free to have a look if you fancy some stats… and … Continue reading

January 1, 2023

New year, new friend

Welcome to 2023… and what better way to start the new year than welcoming a new friend! Alice Spadaro (who has recently graduated with an MSc degree here in Milan) is now officially starting her PhD in my group. Alice … Continue reading